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Supervision One-on-One Toolkit (PRICE FOR ORGANIZATION)

Supervision One-on-One Toolkit (PRICE FOR ORGANIZATION)


This Toolkit Includes the following;

(1) One-on-One 101 Guide: This comprehensive guide will enable leaders tofacilitate meaningful, productive, and relationship-based one-on-one sessions with their direct reports. The guide walks leaders through preparing for, facilitating, and following up on one-on-ones with their team members. It also includes tips, tricks, and tools toget leaders started.

(2) Add-On: Leading Leaders: The Leading Leaders Add-On provides a snapshot ofthe differences in facilitating one-on-ones with directreports who are people leaders themselves. This 2-pager helps leaders of leaders better understand theimpact of their one-on-ones, help shape the leadershipjourney of the leader team members, and reflect on thepatience needed to guide a new leader as they learn theropes of people management.

(3) Add-On: Maximizing Your One-on-One: Speaking directly to a direct report, the MaximizingYour One-on-One Add-On provides actionable steps tobe prepared to share appropriate information with asupervisor, get the guidance and feedback needed froma supervisor, and facilitate follow-up.


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